Another year, another post.

So it comes to pass that another year of our lives has wained away into the ether of time forgotten. So much has happened and yet so much remains the same. In my personal life, it has continued to be a struggle dealing with the passing of my brother, but light has shined through my grey skies and I'm better now that I was a year ago. I don't think it's ever easy to loose a loved one, but it certainly wasn't easy to loose my brother the way I did. However, I really tried to live my life according to the principles that I have laid out for myself. I have chosen happiness and in so doing have been able to deal with things in a much healthier way. I may be a bit more grey and bit more wrinkled, but my smile has not been worn away. Perspective, Insignificance and Gratitude have helped keep me in check, and I've avoided the trap of victimhood.

In my professional life things continue to keep moving forward. The Vampirella piece I sculpted for Sideshow was released and now the Spiderman figure I sculpted has been teased. I'm curious to see what people's reaction will be when they see the full reveal of this piece. Other than that, I continue to do my typical job around here which is the McGuyver role. I fix and tweak and add a bit here and there and I assist in building our prototypes. I've also started to get back into Zbrush as a refresher and to expand my skillset. On top of all that, I started teaching at Gnomon last year. I'm about to start my second term today. It's fun to teach and I get a lot from it. Helping others and passing along what I've learned makes me feel good. Plus I think I'm a pretty good teacher.

I wish there was more news to share, but life has just been chugging along this year. Which for me, was the way I needed it go. But I'll leave you with this: No matter what life may dish out for you, it's how you deal with it that determines your future. Never giving up on your dreams is a good start for most, but there is also the times before your dreams come true and the times when life just wants to keep you down. In those moments, remember that Happiness is a choice. I'm not saying to never feel sad or angry; I'm saying that once those feelings have stopped serving their purpose, it's up to you to let them go and choose something different. It's the simplest choice that is also one of the hardest to make. But when you can do it over and over again, you'll find it gets easier and life becomes a much better place. Relationships become better. Those around you are elevated by your energy. So write  a sign and post it above your door or put it on your dashboard, put it on the lock screen on your phone, write it on the mirror in your bathroom. "CHOOSE HAPPINESS". Because when you realize that you are in control of how you feel, why would you want to feel any other way.

Until next time,
